Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:25:59 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....
--- Oerjan Ohlson <> wrote:
> This is pretty much equivalent to saying that "most
> of the tank-on-tank
> kills in the Gulf War was by German guns" (the 120mm
> gun on the M1A1 is a
> German design), or why not "Sweden was involved in
Liscence produced, neh?
> the recent Kargil war
> between Pakistan and India" (after all, the Indians
> used both Bofors
> howitzers and Carl Gustafs). Or why not "Russia is
There's a difference. The Swedes sell to anyone with
ready cash. So do the French.
> involved in the fighting
> against the US coalition in Afganistan right now",
> since the AQ thugs use
> AK-47s and RPG-7s.
Yeah, and the Russians also. I'd also point out that
the AQ thugs captured those AKs and RPGs. They
weren't handed them.
> If someone buys a weapon and later on uses it in a
> war, is the weapon
> designer/manufacturer involved in the war too?
Depends. As someone pointed out already, this was the
newest model of Sidewinder and it was a political
decision in reaction to Britain's decision to go to
war to release them to the Brits and not the
Argentinians, both of whom are usually eligible to
purchase US weapons.
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