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Re: Stargrunt Questions revisited

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 15:04:33 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Stargrunt Questions revisited

--- Scott Case <> wrote:

> Thanks everyone for the tips! I think this turned
> off the HTML, but let me 
> know if HTML is still going up.

All looks good to me, but then again Yahoo is
notoriously retarded.
> last week. How big of a force do a lot of you guys
> field in a typical 
> Stagrunt battle?

I usually run a reinforced platoon (32 guys in the
platoon, plus vehicles for a mech platoon).  Since NRE
stuff is top-of-the-line, a balanced OPFOR for me is
generally 2 platoons or a platoon with some serious
support.  Of course, that's for a meeting engagement
with no artillery support.  With doctrinal artillery
or the advantage of defensive positions, you need

> We went for small 'squads' because I had only about
> 50 mini troops to go 
> around... so we each had more units to activate.  We

You can do it that way, but such small units have so
little firepower I rarely find they are worth it
(unless elite or something).  But then again, I'm a
follower of the creed of the Holy Fathers of the
Perpetual Railgun, and prefer my 8-10 man squads with
2 SAWs.

> attempts to activate his units... plus I
> underestimated how tough the M577s 
> were with decoys... I had too few GMS/Ls to get
> through the decoys. Not to 
> mention I didn't issue IAVRs to the French! An
> oversight I plan to fix next 
> time!!

IAVRs, 2-3 per 4-man fireteam is about right.  At
least if you're a sick bastard like myself.  

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