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Re: [SGII] The Eyes Have It.

From: katie@f...
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 08:30:16 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [SGII] The Eyes Have It.

Quoting John Crimmins <>:

> Thus, a survey of sorts: You Stargrunt players, how many of you bother
> painting the eyes on your miniatures?  I'm speaking mainly to the
> 25mm/28mm 
> folks here, although any of you crazed 15mm enthusiasts are free to
> speak up here as well.

I used to paint them on fantasy figures: Orcs (and Orks) got red eyes
little white highlight blips on them...

But actually, I'm just debating whether to do faces on the NAC figures.
done the figures, and they're fine for gaming, but currently are flat
colour (where appropriate). But they're a little more delicate than
figures usually are so I'm wondering if it's worth doing much 
shading/eyes/stubble etc.

Human eyes I always used to do by: washing the face leather coloured,
fill eye 
with white, pupil in black and then use black then flesh to close the
eye back 
up again.

Avoiding the Bill-the-Cat - personally I've always found it easier to
make each 
figure looking somewhere rather than straight ahead. That way if you get
wrong, it just looks like they're looking somewhere else than where you 

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