Re: Teeny Nukes
From: "Robert W. Eldridge" <bob_eldridge@m...>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 19:25:55 -0500
Subject: Re: Teeny Nukes
But you've still got all kinds of side effects to deal with that will
probably extend well beyond the range of the launcher - shock wave
damage, induced radiation, and fallout (even with a weapon designed as
"clean" if the fireball touches the surface you got fallout). Back in
late 50's - early 60's the U.S. Army developed what was called the
"Battlegroup Weapons System (aka "Davy Crockett"), the idea being to
each "battlegroup" (an organizational aberration imposed on the US Army
under the so-called pentomic organization - basically think of it as a
large battalion (5 rifle companies), 5 of which comprised an infantry
division) it's own tactical nuclear capability. It came in two sizes,
on 120MM and 150MM recoilless guns IIRC, and fired a supercaliber
projectile. The thing was never fielded because the guns lacked
range (their range was 1500-2500m or thereabouts) to fire the weapon
involving the firing unit in at least the outermost effect zone, and the
"bang" wasn't that large. Compare this with the (let's be generous) 500M
even 1000M range of some SF shoulder-fired launcher, not to mention the
current day 200-300M. And if you do make the bang so small, it's
not worth the expense and gadgetry you have to go through to make such a
small amount of nuclear material misbehave. Probably much more
cost-effective to use some super-scientific high yield chemical
or FAE shells, or something along that line. BTW, I was a trained
weapons target analyst when I was in the army and I know whereof I
although I'm not at liberty to get specific.
----- Original Message -----
From: "B Lin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 6:49 PM
Subject: RE: Teeny Nukes
> What about as an RPG or M-79 type weapon? I can see where lobbing the
equivalent of a 155mm shell into the building down the street might be a
useful item. Or perhaps as a cave or bunker buster. It would replace
mortars for rapid artillery support.
> --Binhan
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: John Atkinson []
> > Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 4:46 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Teeny Nukes
> >
> > Depends. Give troops a grenade with the force of a
> > 155mm shell and they will end up hurting themselves.
> > Grenades are used at really close range. According to
> > The Book, the "average soldier" can throw a grenade
> > 35m effectively. Now, that's 3.5" in Stargrunt terms,
> > which is why they are abstracted into close combat.
> > Grenades are also heavily used in MOUT operations at
> > ranges of a few feet (thrown into rooms, etc). You
> > don't want too much power being set off at that range.
> >
> > John
> >
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