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Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 14:25:57 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....

--- Brian Burger <> wrote:

> First that 'axis of evil' goofiness, and now this.
> Is Prez Shrub *trying*
> to get the entire world polarized against the
> States?

Alright, I'm going set diplomacy aside for a moment.

1) Piss off, Canuck.  We pick on our president (and we
don't do that since he's turned out to be the best
wartime Pres since FDR), foreigners need not apply.

2) Sorry if it's not politically correct, but DPRK,
Iraq, and Iran are evil.  Full stop.

3) Anyone who thinks those fruitloops don't talk to
each other and work together when it's convenient is
delusional to say the least.

4) This, by any rational definition of the word, makes
it an axis.

5) Hate to break it to you, but a) the world will not
be "polarized against the US" because most nations
aren't stupid and b) even if it did occour, we'd
probably still be able to do more or less whatever we
wanted anyway.	

6) Go ahead, become anti-US.  We really don't care
what you think about us as long as you continue
trading with us and improving our economy.  And you
won't stop because you Canucks would more or less go
broke in six weeks if you stopped.  

7) I realize that this is going to piss off all the
Canadians, but I can deal with the Canadian Axis. 
It's rough living in a superpower.

8) The whole reason you people (foreigners in general,
Euros and Canadians in specific) dislike the US is
pure jelousy.  You're torqued because the US can act
decisively and unilaterally, which no European state
has been able to do since WWI (except Germany, but
they got slapped down the two times they tried that).

9) Insert emoticons as appropriate.

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