RE: RE: Mercs as Peacekeepers
From: Derek Fulton <derekfulton@b...>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 11:40:11 +1100
Subject: RE: RE: Mercs as Peacekeepers
At 03:46 9/03/02 -0800, Brian wrote:
>On Sat, 9 Mar 2002, Derek Fulton wrote:
> > G'day,
> >
> > Stealing Derek's email...
> >
> > >*I* was expecting Beth to have something like United Nation
> > >Unified Command (pronouced "Eunuch");
> >
> > I would've but Derek has quit moaning about his vasectomy (now the
> swelling
> > has gone down) ;)
>Beth, this is really more information than we needed... and *far* more
>that Derek would have let us know, I'm sure... :>
>And then to add insult to surgery, you hijack his own email addy to
>us all about it...
That's nothing, the real kicker is what the doctor ordered to assist in
success of the procedure after the fact. Basically he said to "go at it
like rabbits" to bring the sperm count down, there's a perfectly sound
reason for this but Beth's the biology expert so I let her explain
aren't I?).
Is this too much information? ;)
Derek (What can I say 'Doctor's orders') Fulton <VBG>
Derek Fulton
12 Balaka st.
Rosny, Hobart.
Tasmania, 7018.
Phone; (03) 62459123
Mobile; 0438459123