RE: [DSII] infantry figures
From: "Scott Case" <tgunner@h...>
Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 13:59:15
Subject: RE: [DSII] infantry figures
The minis that GZG puts out for Dirtside are really good too, and they
are pretty easy to get. I'm building (gradually that is) a battle group
of NAC troops that I'll field in a year or two! They are mounted 2 or 4
to a stand and have some nice details that show up after you paint them.
The GHQ's minis are great looking (I have a few for my early Desert 40
Brits and Italians), but they don't have all the bells and whistles you
would want in modern/sci-fi troops... like missile launchers, body
armor, high-tech assault rifles, and so on. But if you're into WWII as
well... a group of American, German, or Russian troops wouldn't look to
far out of place and you can still use them in WWII fighting too. Go to
their web page and check out the stills they have (most of them are
Just wondering here, why are you building such a huge force? I've never
fielded more than 10 or so units in Dirtside- can't imagine fielding
such a huge force at once. How many units is that?. A triangular
brigade with 3 bn w/3 coys....that's something like 27 units of infantry
alone... than you've got supporting tank, apc, assorted afvs, arty,
heavy weapons platoons... and don't forget the air support! Maybe up to
50 units!!! Got a GYM somewhere to set them all up? ; )
> I have been thinking to finish off a brigade of infantry for DSII, but
>since > that amounts to a lot of figures... I have been looking
around. I also >liked the special weapons and officer looking ones. Has
anyone used GHQ's >infantry - the single figs - for DS? Do they look too
much like they are >from WWII or the current era, rather than the