Re: FT-Shiva option/starfire designs
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2002 09:32:29 -0800
Subject: Re: FT-Shiva option/starfire designs
Indy wrote:
Otherwise if you do cross-genre
>ships, equivalent-sized Superior Wars ships are going to MASSIVELY
>a GZG ship (which, if you note, have very little, if any, weapon arrays
>visible, lending it easier to abstracting).
The obvious answer to that is either do not cross-genre, or redesign
Tuffleyverse ships to work in the new 'verse, or, as you have done,
systems (I actually like that to some extent).
>I don't know anything about the Concussion Missile launcher, or
>anything about the Class 2 beam weapon.
Not sure about the Beam 2, I'd not give it more than a beam 1. The
Concussion Missiles are probabvly more suited to being a sm pack,
if you abstract things.
>In any event, *if* you want to keep it small, you can't model each
>individual weapon system; you need to abstract. If you don't [want
>to abstract, that is], go nuts. But no room for complaints for how
>big the Star Destroyers will get. ;-)
Not complaining, just marvelling....
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