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Re: FIRE TEAMS IN SG II -> we ended up without using them...

From: "Claus Paludan" <cpaludan@w...>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 12:23:59 GMT
Subject: Re: FIRE TEAMS IN SG II -> we ended up without using them... writes: 

> Apart from runners (possibly on bicycles, motorcycles or horses),
> means of communication would have been field telephone lines (mostly 
> for defensive positions, of course), hand or flag signals and flares. 

> A variety of flares of different colours or types would be used to 
> convey a standard set of messages, like an alert call, the reaching of

> specific positions etc. I guess this could include calling down fire 
> onto 1 or 2 pre-defined targets. 

Good points! 

I have somewhat of an idea emerging here, which will include some
to the communication roll - I'll get back when it's ready for test :-) 

Ps : Karl - did you get what you wanted from our discussion board? 

With kind regards
Claus Paludan 

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