RE: [FT/MT/DS]: Mass vs Capacity
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 07:06:22 -0800
Subject: RE: [FT/MT/DS]: Mass vs Capacity
Mike Elliott Wrote:
> >The only problem I have with the CS/man is that DS uses elements
whose #
> >men is nebulous, I'd prefer to come up with a CS/element rule.
>Its not nebulous, the basic infantry element is 4 men, support elements
>2 or 3 men.
>Hope that helps
Kinda. The DS rules seemed to state that those numbers were an average,
a set number, and that what really counts is the effectiveness of the
element as a whole. But it does give me a good guideline for setting up
HR for the cargo mass of an element. Thanks.