Pulsar Nav accuracy
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 12:33:39 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Pulsar Nav accuracy
Hello everybody
Somebody mentioned that deep space navigation using pulsars (and nearby
stars?) could be accurate to within an astronomical unit.
Thinking about it, I doubt that this accuracy could be achieved with
distant objects alone.
Problem is, we have to know the position of the objects in 3 dimensions
and the measurement is unlikely to be very precise.
Assume we know the pulsars' position to within 1/10th of a Lightyear
(big if) and that no other measurement errors creep in (another big
if). This means we know our spaceships's position to within 1/10th of a
Using many pulsars won't help that much. If you take N measurements,
the accuracy of your result improves with the square root of the
number. 700 pulsars will give an improvement by a factor of 1/26 [
1/sqrt(700) ] that is 1/260th of LY or 1 1/2 lightdays - about enough
to know in which star's system you are.