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Re: [OT] Flag stomping

From: John Lambshead <pjdl@n...>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 09:57:21 +0000
Subject: Re: [OT] Flag stomping

Ah, you have to understand Anglo-Celtic sport relations. In English eyes
an England wins its a great English triumph, if a Scottish team wins,
its a 
great British triumph. Mind you the Scots are worse, at football they
on anyone (even the French) who are playing England. To be fair Britain 
competes as Britain in the Olympics, not as the individual countries 
(England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland) of the UK in contrast to 
football. In rugby, it's different again as Ireland competes as Ireland 
(North & South combined) except where the whole of Britain and Ireland 
forms a single team in an effort to beat the Ozzies an Zeelanders
that though we hate each other, we hate everyone else more.
PS I speak as a Cornishman, the Celtic county of England, and hence 
unbiased (or biased against everyone equally). Traditionally the rulers
London used as his shock troops as we were the only group he could trust

not to knife him (a Cornish Monarch/Emperor was unthinkable to all
The only British troops in the Roman Army in Britain were a unit of
who manned the Great Wall.

>>PPS - Lots of respect for Norway for beating the Canadian Men in
>>(in the 10th end and it all came down to the last rock) and to
>>(they call them Gr. Britain, but they were all Scottish lasses) for
>>beating the Canadian Women in Curling to bring the Gold home to the
>>birthplace of Curling.
>Head, Nematode Research Group
>Department of Zoology
>The Natural History Museum
>London SW7 5BD, UK.
>Tel +44 (0)20 7942 5032
>Fax +44 (0)20 7942 5433
>What a wonderful thing is the cat! on making it God said "That's that!
>Supurrnatural selection has brought us purrfection -
>which is a great relief to Me after My earlier mistake with the
nematode worm
>(Rowena Sommerville)

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