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RE: [DS] Alien psychology house rules

From: Jeremey Claridge <jeremy.claridge@k...>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 09:04:55 +0000
Subject: RE: [DS] Alien psychology house rules

> > Controlling alien destroyed: Threat +4
> I'd be tempted to call them the colony core or breeder or leader or
> something, as calling them a controller suggests that once they're
dead the
> whole colony should go into chaos or stop dead as nothing is
> them anymore (OK probably a bit picky, sorry).

No that is exactly it Beth. In the rules I had the player bringing sort
of queens in waiting who take over if the top bod is killed.

Here is the passage for that:
Secondary Control Aliens 
Colony armies may only have one Control alien. 
In order to prevent total disaster every time a Control 
alien is killed, alien armies may also have Secondary Control Aliens. 
These units are waiting for their turn to run the colony. 
They can have all of the systems normally restricted to Control aliens 
but because of the rivalry they cannot carry any weapons. 
Defensive systems are allowed. When the control alien is killed any of 
the Secondary Control Aliens can take over running the colony.
> > Infantry Close Assaults: Colony
> Is there any room for the "attackers" to try and stealth who they are
> so that they can slip in unnoticed (like some spiders etc can in 
> ant's nests)?
> Cheers
> Beth

I must admit I hadn't thought of that. I was being narrow minded and
thinking of Aliens vs Humans type battles. Mind you that it would make
an interesting battle if a successful roll means an enemy unit is 
ignored as a friendly one.......hmmmmm



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