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Re: GPS + Pulsars + an apology/rebuttal

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 09:29:30 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: GPS + Pulsars + an apology/rebuttal

On 25-Feb-02 at 09:01, ( wrote:
> Quoting Roger Books <>:
> > Who is going to put in beacons that will only be good
> > after the signal gets across some large number of
> > (light) years?
> Erm. Us?
> We have sent out messages that are unlikely to be read inside the next
> 50,000  years. Sometimes people can be long-term about things...

That was a short term relatively inexpensive publicity stunt.  The
costs to put out something that will have enough power to be a 
"space GPS" in normal space requires a huge investment that will 
come into affect after the builders and politicians have retired.

Roger Books

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