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Re: an apology/rebuttal

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 21:07:29 EST
Subject: Re: an apology/rebuttal

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002 10:52:47 -0500 "Thomas Barclay" <>
<snip vac-head stuff.  gropos know the truth - It's always uphill after
the landing...

>Normally I don't respond to allegations*[1] of 
>veiled US bashing,

<snip defense for what was invisible to me... an American fanatic
in the bowels of the "We have no job description labeled 'Spy' agency">

>FWIW, the 'veiled US bashing' was extremely 
>veiled, as I, the author of the comment, totally 
>failed to perceive it. 

You better start paying better attention to your stealth (as in
non-existent to me) US bashing or we are going to miss it <grin>

I am not the type to take 
>veiled shots at anyone.... it is not in my nature. 
>I'll come out and say what I think in plain 

Canadians (except my wife) are too polite to be rude.  <grin>

>However, perhaps it is the quintessential 
>Canadian lurking inside, but I will apologize for 
>causing any unintended harm and for phrasing 
>my factual comments in such a way as they 
>might seem to be US bashing if one was 
>apparently more sensitive than I was to that 
>possibility. My apologies. 

You apologized for what you didn't do because if... Yeah, you're

>And my thanks to Brian for succinctly defending 
>me. <tips hat>

Yeah, nice job, sir.

>And let me conclude by saying that I'm very  
>glad to be on the same continent as the USA 
>(as opposed to any number of other options), I 
>expect to enjoy beating and being beaten by 
>Americans at ECC next weekend, also that I'm 
>very glad to have so many good American 
>friends (Bob among them), and I'm very proud 
>to be Canadian! These things are in no way 
>mutually exclusive!

Funny we feel the same way about Canada.  And my Tia Maria always felt
the US	'meant well' even when they had her P.O.'ed for ignoring or
missing what some American action did to Mexico.  And the only thing she
may be prouder of then her American citizenship is her origins in

>[2] Now, US Bashing was what went on when I 
>sent Jon Davis a jibe about our Women's 
>Hockey Team winning.... but that did include a 
>number of smileys! All in good fun and merely a 
>preamble to me beating Jon at Formula De in 
>Lancaster! *as Tomb utters famous last words*
>And US Bashing as it pertains to Hockey is NOT 
>petty sniping at the US. It's HOCKEY we're 
>talking about.....!!!!! ;) 
>Thomas Barclay

Another thing non-Canadian about my Quebec born wife (Adopted to USA
couple) is her total disinterest in Hockey.  

Hockey, Canada's idea of a mental sport? <Grins as he runs away...>

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