GPS + Pulsars + an apology/rebuttal
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Sat, 23 Feb 2002 10:52:47 -0500
Subject: GPS + Pulsars + an apology/rebuttal
Can we duplicate or fake a pulsar? If so, could
we mess up people's navigation? Could we
interfere with signals from a pulsar? Or cancel
them via some form of interference?
When establishing our own space beacons (SPS
- GPS in space), would we use some sort of
pulsar like signal, but with more uniqueness?
Normally I don't respond to allegations*[1] of
veiled US bashing, but in this case I must make
an exception. I am aware the US owns, built,
and (AFAIK) entirely paid for the GPS satellite
constellation. I am aware of the limits of the
accuracy and several techniques of getting
around (or attempting to) the inaccuracies that
can be introduced into the data feed. Anyone
who uses this system other than the Americans
(and maybe a Redcoat or two) are in the
'buyer beware' (and given you paid nothing,
that's a capital B in beware!).
You did not, in fairness, mention that the US can
also (you did build, and did pay for, and do
own - AFAIK - the constellation) turn off the
feeds from some satellites entirely or probably
even deactivate the whole shebang if it really
wants to black out an area.
None of this is a statement of anything other
than the facts as I know them. I don't believe
there was any conclusion suggested herein.
FWIW, the 'veiled US bashing' was extremely
veiled, as I, the author of the comment, totally
failed to perceive it. I am not the type to take
veiled shots at anyone.... it is not in my nature.
I'll come out and say what I think in plain
language. I understand the desire to defend
ones country, although I'm a little offended that
you'd think I'd stoop to petty sniping at the
However, perhaps it is the quintessential
Canadian lurking inside, but I will apologize for
causing any unintended harm and for phrasing
my factual comments in such a way as they
might seem to be US bashing if one was
apparently more sensitive than I was to that
possibility. My apologies.
And my thanks to Brian for succinctly defending
me. <tips hat>
And let me conclude by saying that I'm very
glad to be on the same continent as the USA
(as opposed to any number of other options), I
expect to enjoy beating and being beaten by
Americans at ECC next weekend, also that I'm
very glad to have so many good American
friends (Bob among them), and I'm very proud
to be Canadian! These things are in no way
mutually exclusive!
[1] Alleged because there was neither intention,
nor I believe with a dispassionate review,
evidence to support such an allegation wthout a
fair degree of speculation as to some (non-
existent) context or agenda behind the
comments rather than from the meat of the
comments themselves.
[2] Now, US Bashing was what went on when I
sent Jon Davis a jibe about our Women's
Hockey Team winning.... but that did include a
number of smileys! All in good fun and merely a
preamble to me beating Jon at Formula De in
Lancaster! *as Tomb utters famous last words*
And US Bashing as it pertains to Hockey is NOT
petty sniping at the US. It's HOCKEY we're
talking about.....!!!!! ;)
Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site
Corruptisima republica plurimae leges.
[The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.]
-- Tacitus