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Re: [OT] Starship Troopers

From: Richard and Emily Bell <rlbell@s...>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 18:30:07 -0500
Subject: Re: [OT] Starship Troopers

Jeremey Claridge wrote:

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> > > > Wasn't there a Japanese cartoon series of Starship Troopers that
> > > > into depth about the bugs? So that was all artistic licence
> > > > Jeremey
> > Are you referring to the computer animated show 'Roughnecks'? or the
> > Japanese cel animated show?
> I was referring to the cell animation not the 'Roughneck Chronicles'

Its been to long since I read the book to say whether the Roughneck
faithfully reconstructs the mood.  However, I can say that within the
limitations of a half-hour show, it is rather well written.  There are
situations involving "Treknology", but they are better used.

One episode had AP mines that did not detonate until you stepped off of
which allowed the Combat Humanoid Artificial Sentient (Chas) to save a
character and get off some beautiful (IMHO) last words:

[Chas steps on mine that Higgins is standing on and tells him to return
to the
Higgins: But you will be killed.

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