SGII -> WWII Conversion
From: "Claus Paludan" <cpaludan@w...>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 07:50:01 GMT
Subject: SGII -> WWII Conversion
So now that it seems like my lurking mode has been destroyed I'd like to
disturb you all a bit :-))
I have noticed that the question of SGII->WWII rule conversion has
popped up
several times on the list. I'd like to hear from those of you who
tried them. What problems did you encounter, how much tweaking did you
to do etc....
I have started several times to write my own set of rules, but everytime
there was something I wanted to include, SG already had it.... so I am
at a
point where it seems rather stupid to write another SG, when the current
works fine :-) Then I only have to convert weapons and vehicles and
like that, but that isn't too hard.
So what have you discovered boys and girls?
Med venlig hilsen
Claus Paludan
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