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Lancaster Housing plus Oddball Environment

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 01:18:27 -0500
Subject: Lancaster Housing plus Oddball Environment

Lancaster Housing:
Someone had the idea right, but the details 
wrong. Gropos get the beds because they "take 
and hold land". The vacc heads only get to keep 
the spaces the gropos don't really want. 
Especially if they can't call for Ortillery because 
they want to own the territory being fought 

Oddball Environment:
1) Fragments may continue a long distance, but 
density will fall off with the cube of distance 
from blast (I think, at the very least by the 
square). So the lethality may not be much 

2) Assume: 
- all weapons calibrated and designed for 
environment (and the troops are well trained in 
various environment types)
- armour is self-sealing with build in injection of 
drugs, limited reestablishment of pressure, and 
even provision of some basic fluids. 
- missile launcher will be a zero-G 'soft-launch' 
variety with some sort of control jets
- based on FMAS conjectural mechanics, any 
weapon could (on a rare day) be dangerous to 
PA so a grenade _might_ penetrate (maybe)

3) Terrain ideas have given me some good 
thoughts. Thanks!

4) Plasma gun and lasers would have effectively 
cross-board ranges. Even gauss weapons, with 
recalibrated sighting systems, would probably 
fit in this category. 

5) The idea of a Paranoia FMAS is almost too 
good. Like the idea of doing "Deathmatch" style 
first-person-shooter in FMAS. Both have a 
certain fun. "Clone Lase-R-LYT-2, report to the 
battlefield.... Lase-R-LYT-1 seems to have 
suffered an unfortunate accident while 
attempting to operate developmental 

Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of 
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site

Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. 
[The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.]
-- Tacitus

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