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Re: MT Questions

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 16:15:25 -0800
Subject: Re: MT Questions

Laserlight wrote:

>What I use is "gravity effects are calculated at the beginning of the
>turn, and applied at the end of movement."

Elaborate more please, off-list if you prefer.

>gravity slingshot only really works if you are dropping a fair amount
>of mass at the bottom of the well (usually by burning off propellant).
>FT ships use no appreciable mass of fuel, so this won't work.
>However, Keith Watt has on rules for
>fuel use and such if you want to incorporate them.

I'll have to check them out, do THEY include slingshotting rules?  If
I'd love to go over them with someone who understands how it works
enough to 
help me work some HR's out.



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