RE: Stormtroopers N tie fighters
From: "Adam Benedict Canning" <dahak@d...>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2002 20:15:26 -0000
Subject: RE: Stormtroopers N tie fighters
> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 03:42:42 -0500
> From: "Thomas Barclay" <>
> It has been said:
> Based on the more "realistic" battles in the
> X-Wing series I can say that 15 X Wings
> can kill a lot of TIE fighters,
X wing books base thier combats on the X-Wing computer game, all the
way up to the SSD kill.
If you've played it you know theres no real reason for large warships
at all.
> [Tomb] Obviously you never played TIE
Same game engine different stats. Both were tailored for player
> [Tomb] One last thought before you dump
> too much on Tie Fighter pilots. If you
> consider the three sanctioned Han Solo
> books by Brian Daley (the earliest, pretty
> much, of the SW novels, long ago) to be
> canon, then Han went to Imperial Academy
> and was an interceptor/fighter pilot. So
> apparently they have had a few excellent
> pilots from time to time.
So was Wedge and a number of other Rogue Squadron personnel.
> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 10:23:40 -0800
> From: Michael Llaneza <>
> Subject: Re: Stormtroopers N tie fighters
> Good point about TIE Fighter Tomb, and if we'd seen any
> advanced models
> besides Vader's protoype model I'd have mentioned them :-)
Like the Interceptor, which we do see.