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Re: [FT] Yet another suggestion for balancing stinger nodes

From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:55:11 GMT
Subject: Re: [FT] Yet another suggestion for balancing stinger nodes

In message <>
	  Kevin Walker <> wrote:

> On Sunday, February 10, 2002, at 03:33 PM, Charles Taylor wrote:
> > Well, first a caviet - I havn't actually managed to play Sa'Vas'Ku
> > so this is all highly theoretical, :-)
> >
> > The suggestion is a varient of an old idea of limiting the power
> > throughput of an individual stinger node, but with a twist...
> >
> > Should a target ship be within the fire arc of more than one stinger
> > node, then they can combine their shots into a single attack, for
> > example, if we set the maximum power that a single node can handle
to 4,
> > then, by itself, it has a range of up to 36mu (using 12mu range
> >
> > Should a target be in arc of two stingers, then up to 8 power may be
> > directed at it, increasing the range to 48mu.
> This was suggested a while back when discussed amongst some of the 
> play-testers.  At that time IIRC, the value I suggested was 8 PP per 
> stinger node.  I believe the problem with 4pp per node was this
> handicapped some of the SV ships in FB2, a factor that is very 
> undesirable for any correction.
> Going with 4 PP per stinger the maximum PP each of the following ships

> can use for stinger weapons is:
> Var'Arr'Sha thru Var'TheeSha	- 2/3
> Thy'Sa'Teth - 1/4
> Shyy'Tha'Var	- 1/2
> Ann'Var'Teth - 8/15
> Sla'Tha'Rosh - 3/4
> Vash'Sa'Rosh - 8/10
> Vas'Sa'Teth - 4/11
> Please forgive me if any small errors are in these quickly calculated 
> ratios.
> At 8 PP per stinger node all the existing designs can use all of their

> PP via nodes (as long as most or all of the nodes are still around)
> they still have some arc considerations and it goes a ways to
> the big hulks with masses of power generators getting an even bigger 
> cost break for needing so little a number of stingers to channel all 
> that power through.
> Kevin Walker
> Horizon Concepts, Inc.
> Macintosh & Windows Development
> Miniature Painting & Sculpting
Well, I sort of remember the earlier suggestion, but I didn't recall
anything about allowing stingers with overlapping arcs combining their
attacks and being treated as a 'single' stinger (but I could have missed
OTOH, you do have a valid point about the Thy'Sa'Teth and the
Vas'Sa'Teth though :-(


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