Prev: MicroTactix Games - The Future of Adventure Gaming... Now! Next: Re: FT: One question, was THEY CAME! THEY CAME!!!!!!


From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 13:02:09 -0500
Subject: RE: Re: FT: THEY CAME! THEY CAME!!!!!!

> >The reason vector games are bloodier is that more weapons are
> >bearing on the enemy at all times during the game.
> And this is bad because.....?

Not "bad", just "bloodier".  Note that "more weapons are bearing"
applies to his weapons as well as yours.

>Fly up, shoot, ships blow up, fly by.
>I can trivially program my computer to fight vector.  Tactics are
next to non-existant.  What fun is that?

Takes some subtlety.  Often there's one turn's fire, then you're at
point blank range.  The trick is to arrange things so he doesn't know
whether you're going to end up in front of or behind him on the second
turn.  If everything works right, both sides end the second combat turn
facing in the same direction, on opposing vectors, with your ships right
behind his at half-pistol-shot range.

However, I grant that maneuvers are less sweeping, and tactics less
visible, than in cinematic.

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