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Re: FT: One question, was THEY CAME! THEY CAME!!!!!!

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 10:55:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: FT: One question, was THEY CAME! THEY CAME!!!!!!

On 11-Feb-02 at 10:51, Derek Fulton ( wrote:
> At 07:43  11/02/02 -0800, 2B^2 wrote:
> >OK, I read through FT, FB!, and part of FB2.  One wuestion. 
According to 
> >FB2, K-1's can be used in PDS mode and kill 1 fighter on a roll of 5
or 6.
> >Given the rest of the games rules, is it reasonable to assume they
kill a 
> >HEAVY fighter on a roll of 6 only?
> Possibly not, heavy fighters are protected as per a level 1 screen,
> screens don't effect k-guns.

I'm going to have to disagree here.  The book says they are protected
similarly to a screen, not as a screen. I believe it says they are
more strongly constructed.

As a point of reference those Kra'Vak shotgun things kill 1-6 fighters
or half that many heavy fighters.  I read this one two nights ago
trying to figure out how to deal with Kra'Vak.

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