Re: GenCon 2002 Events [FT/DS/SG]
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 08 Feb 2002 09:15:45 -0800
Subject: Re: GenCon 2002 Events [FT/DS/SG]
Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:
> > though my only contact with KR is via e-mail, he seems like a
> > fellow. Also, he lives in Oregon, so he has that going for him.
>He is. The gaming industry has its gems. GZG has more than most.
Let's see. A nice guy writes a good game... is it really a surprise it
attracts quality players and vendors?
> > I've never been into the Con scene, but I'm wondering if there are
> > gaming cons here in the PNW?
>Though it takes some sifting, this is an excellent resource, no matter
>you live.
Much appreciated.