RE: [OT] Narn-summoning...(Re: VTOL stands etc...)
From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 13:56:00 -0500
Subject: RE: [OT] Narn-summoning...(Re: VTOL stands etc...)
> Brian said:
> > Oh, if Laserlight has Narns living with him, are they a boarding
> See, Tom, I'm *not* the only one
>No, but you're the first host of a full Narn platoon!
> Or is it a BATallion now?
It's hard enough on my carpet to have a Narn company for company and, as
I mentioned, if I have too many for a company, it's a crowd. I'd have
to bivouac them in the parking lot and only let them in the house by
shifts--one BATch at a time.
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