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Re: Backflow of Colonists

From: aebrain@a... (Alan E Brain)
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 12:52:13 +1100
Subject: Re: Backflow of Colonists

> <snip>
> > Back On Topic: All the population studies I've seen for the
> colonies haven't taken into account any backflow - people who couldn't
> it (or more often, had more sense than to try).
> Probably wouldn't be significant as the facility wouldn't exist for
two way
> travel - it would most likely be too expensive and I really think that
> colonists will mostly be in the "poor" category - why would
> numbers of people leave a place where they were well off.

But assuming the colony transports aren't designed for a 1-way voyage,
they'd be in ballast on the way back. Costs would be negligible. Now of
course, the colonial administration might want to put a 10,000,000%
surcharge on the fares.. or at least require returnees to pay back their
(subsidised) fare there, plus admistration costs, plus handling fees,
plus landing tax, plus emigration tax, plus... But the cost to the
shipping company would be negligible, just life-support costs.

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