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VTOL stands, Traveller Figures, and Beth

From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 11:44:02 -0500
Subject: VTOL stands, Traveller Figures, and Beth

Beth said:
and you wonder why we're also demented?

[Tomb] No. We don't actually. We just wonder how Derek manages a veneer
of sanity... :) 

<I'm not even going to run for the bunker... there isn't really any
point now is there?>

Someone asked:
What figs are being used for Traveller/GZG crossover at ECC?

[Tomb] Imperial Marines: GZG UN (take a close look - they look almost
EXACTLY like traveller Imperial Marine Battle Dress as it was drawn in
the original game and in MegaTraveller)

Zhodani Consulate Jump Commandos: Ainsty/Denizen Ventaurians (with
helmets on, since they look like yoda). The armour is almost exactly
that depicted on the Zhondani aliens supplement from the old version of

I'll post pix of both once the painting factory advances... :)

Someone else asked:
What do people use for VTOL stands?

[Tomb] For DS, small GW transparent flight bases (I just lift the VTOLs
off). Haven't quite found a transparent quick-detach solution, but based
on what some people have done for FT using square brass tubing, I was
looking for a modified version of the clear plastic flight base that I
can pull on and off but still give good anchoring.

For SG2 Grav or GEV, large GW transparent flight bases. One seems to
work good for most mid sized Grav/GEVs, though you end up putting a lot
of the shaft up into the model. For VTOLs, if you want to come up with a
variable height mounting, some sturdy brass (or better, steel) rod. Or
an old paint brush (wooden) handle. But you might want multiple variable
height stands (if you drill at point of balance, this is feasible) that
can be pulled on and off to do NOE (short stem), landed (no base), or
flying (long stem). 

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