From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:45:14 -0800 (PST)
--- Derek Fulton <> wrote:
> To keep it simple, a REMF or what ever nickname
> pertains to your part of
> the world is ANYONE who is further to the rear than
> you are. In the
> Australian Infantrymen's case that's just about
> everyone else ;)
Well, considering that Australia's last moment of
military glory was. . . contributing a batallion to
the thing in RVN about 30 years ago, I'd have to say
that the US Army has PAC clerks and finance weenies
deployed to Afghanistan who can consider basically
everyone in the Australian Army, including airborne
infantry and everything else, as REMFs.
In regards to the question of who is closest to the
enemy if everyone in question is performing their
combat missions, I have to refer to the various
breaching drills I'm familliar with. They mostly
involve the infantry and armor (we have that in the US
Army, that's what we call those loud things with big
guns, lots of armor, and tracks) pulling security
while we roll up to the wire and do what we have to do
to get rid of the mines, thus placing us 1)Closest to
the enemy, and 2)incapable of taking cover while doing
our job, and 3)the main focus of the enemy's defensive
Now, in Australia you can't afford combined arms[1],
so you don't have this beautifully orchestrated ballet
of farm implements, so you wouldn't know what in God's
name I'm talking about. I'd suggest doing some
research before running off at the mouth again.
[1]That would be where you have a variety of military
personnel capable of doing different things in combat.
It helps to be able to afford tanks, artillery
pieces, air defense weapons, engineer vehicles, and
combat aviation. Oh, and have more than a brigade's
worth of soldiers.
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