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RE: asteroid habs

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 11:07:47 +1100
Subject: RE: asteroid habs


> [Tomb] As for the whole issue of 
> men/women on a colony: If you don't want 
> kids for the first 2 years, everyone who 
> goes (men or women) gets a 24 month 
> contraceptive. 

A less savoury solution (and I'm not starting an argument, just making
observation) maybe the strict enforcement of laws on birth control, in
the same way as the Chinese enforced their one child laws in their
provinces during the last decade or so. 
> [Tomb] As far an Antarctica goes, I think 
> the people who get to go there (correct me 
> if I'm wrong Beth) are super-select. They 
> tend to be carefully picked. If I'm sending 
> out 100,000 colonists, I think you have to 
> imagine a few bad apples in the bunch. So 
> I'm not sure Antarctica is a fair 
> comparison. 

Actually I think its a pretty good one as 100,000 or not if you're
up a colony that is fairly isolated, but taking a good deal of input
(resource/financial) to start you do want some yobs wrecking it on you.
least at the start the people with the kinda money to do this are going
be major nations with millions to chose from so 100,000 still allows you
be selective. However, that doesn't mean you won't get the odd "things
wrong" events (which can make for exciting scenarios) because the stress
make facets of personalities come out that may have gone unnoticed
the selection process - as has happened in Antarctica a few times even
recent years. In addition living in confined quarters with a limited
of people (OK 100,000 is limited, but you're not likely to mix with the
entire group) is gonna mean that things get on your nerves and tempers
flare. We watched a doco on Jamestown the other day, that led to some
interesting ideas for scenarios/future history events to do with



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