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Re: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[

From: Edward Lipsett <translation@i...>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:51:04 +0900
Subject: Re: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[

On a related but quite different track, I would expect colonies to trace
descent through the mother, because the mother of a child is always easy
to determine at birth, while the father may not be. If the society is
advanced enough to have genetic tracking, and the society permits its
use, this wouldn't matter, but otherwise...  Other people may, of
course, have different ideas, but I would imagine that babies get born
out of wedlock rather more often in colonial societies, and matriarchal
lineage would make it a lot easier to eliminate the possible social
stigma of being a "fatherless child".

As far as which to implant, for a similar reason it is probably more
effective to implant the women, unless there are strict controls on new
immigration (and visits) to the planet. Shoreside visits by sailors
could have serious repercussions otherwise...

Various people wrote:
> > Hrm. . . Could I find 10,000 women with that kind of
> > self-control?  Possible, but I'd want to enforce it.
> > Maybe a 1- or 2-year contraceptive implant?

Edward Lipsett
Intercom, Ltd.
Fukuoka, Japan
Tel: +81-92-712-9120

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