Re: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[
From: Edward Lipsett <translation@i...>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 11:43:14 +0900
Subject: Re: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[
I don't want to sound unusually conservative, but it does cost quite a
bit of money to send people to hell-and-gone, keep them fed and healthy,
and have guards and ships trundling around picking up after them.
Prisoners might not be terribly motivated to produce, for a number of
reasons, but you'd have to send the oreships every month (or whatever)
anyway. And protect them when they got there. etc, etc.
I suspect it would be considerably cheaper to hire professional miners
to mine, and merely exile prisoners. Or kill them out of hand, depending
on your government's policy.
Roger Books wrote:
> A different kind of sentence. Put them in a dangerous environment
> that needs minerals extracted. They are sentanced to produce X
> amount of mineral at which point they are set free. Those with
> drive that could be an asset to society get free sooner because
> they work hard. Those that are lazy (or stupid) never return.
The last thing one discovers in composing a work is what to put first.
- Blaise Pascal, "Pensees"
Edward Lipsett
Intercom, Ltd.
Fukuoka, Japan
Tel: +81-92-712-9120