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RE: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 13:00:21 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: B Ark Colonist and Colonial Industry... [LONG[

--- wrote:
> G'day,
> > My initial colonization teams would be about 80%
> young
> > males.  And I wouldn't bring a quarter million in
> at
> > first.  The next group--young females and young
> > couples.  
> What's the logic behind this progression? 
> Just curious

Inherent sexism.  I want guys to make the place
marginally livable to start with.  And I want to not
worry about taking care of children (read:
non-productive colonists) until I have a life support
system in place.

After that, they need dates and you start getting kids


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