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Re: Boarding scenario

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 18:58:55 +0100
Subject: Re: Boarding scenario

----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn M Wilson" <>
> Sparked by the boarding discussion thread on one list:
> Okay, so far it's been about boarding armed naval craft of various
>  Now how about this one?
> Unarmed experimental model, research, transportation, and/or private
> vessel (last least applicable?) with the goal of snatching ship (and
> possibly VIP or key technician.)
> Assuming NB takes out engine and you match velocity/vector/whatever;
> How do you 'take' the ship and cause the least amount of damage to the
> ship itself (no GL's or even hand grenades blowing out key new
> experimental components)?
> Do you stick to PDW's/Pistol/CC [close combat] weapons?  Do you risk
> using rifles/SMG's?  How to accomplish 'forced entry' (ship/bulkheads)
> without little or no use of explosives?  If you need the VIP (in a
> space suit) how do you take the crew alive to sort out the VIP?

First option: threaten to leave them to their own devices. Unless they
FTL comms, they will be dead before they get anywhere or until somebody
finds them. Makes for a lousy game.

Other options:

Send marines over, blow a hole in the hull or an airlock, storm in.
to serious, but localized, damage to the hull.Piyk an entry spot that's
likely to be fairly safe. Not so bad if enemy shiop is already

Boarding tunnel with air. Attach to airlock, breach airlock, storm in.

Breaching airlock: explosives / plasma cutter / mechanical cutter /
electronics expert

Catch crew alive: needle guns with quick-acting narcotics (assume space
suits are self-sealing against minor punctures).

Karl Heinz

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