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From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 12:12:03 -0500

At 9:27 AM -0600 2/3/02, wrote:
>MY GOODNESS we are sure assuming a  lot  about that 18 year old 's
>abilities, in combat for the first time and scared shitess . . . .
>Hmm. this button equals airburst over bad guys behind barricade. get
>ready to eat death assholes!
>OOOOPS! holy shit! they are over running  the flank!  hang on, buddy!
>bad guys and left flank fire team are both wasted by airburst

Why would a blue be firing area munitions outside his sector of fire? 
Did the LT or Pltn Sgt screw up in assigning sectors of fire? Why is 
he deliberately firing such a weapon at friendlies?

>BUT. . . . .
>sgt dawgie failed to take  not of the telephone  lines and power lines
>down range, so the thumper round dropped from the sky, hit a wire and
>blew ALL  of the  wires down. . . .
>knocked out all land lines for  telephone service and power lines
>linking gia dinh with saigon and cholon at one  stroke!

Likely if they'd not been killed/suppressed, they'd have cut them 
themselves anyhow to prevent communication. I assume this was all 
during Teht?

>(and these lines  remained down for about a week)
>my contribution to the war effort  during the	first of the  firefight!
>and really got the  attention of the  NVA on the roof!
>and being smart, i let the NVA/VC get credit for knocking out the
>telephone and ower lines!

And would you have preferred that someone back in the states decide 
that enlisted men in combat were too dumb to use any kind of ranged 
weapons with air burst in combat and thus never issue them in the 
first place?

Friendly fire isn't, thats why you train, train, train in fire 
combat, primary sectors of fire, secondary sectors of fire, and where 
not to fire based on a fighint position, be it hasty or prepared.

Ryan Gill	  |	   |
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