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From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 16:29:52 -0500 (EST)

On 29-Jan-02 at 16:21, Jakim Friant ( wrote:

> My suggestion does depend on the idea that colonists
> still have a link (however thin) back to the
> infrastructure of the homeworld.  But I think that if
> that link was completely lost then the colonists would
> find themselves armed with bows/spears before too
> long, regardless of the technology they started with
> (at least for a while).

Too extreme.  _I_ could, if I had to, start with raw materials
and end up with a muzzle loader.  Give me a few books and
it would be a no-brainer.  Black powder is not a biggy, although
I would need to look up proportions.  All you really need
to know are what goes in and you mix it wet.

I could possibly see a drop to early 1900s, but not much
more than that.

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