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Re: [DSII] Cheese it, Fellas! It's the cops!

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 22:52:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [DSII] Cheese it, Fellas! It's the cops!

At 12:18 PM 1/27/02 +0100, you wrote:
>What kind of scenario do you have in mind ?
>Police against regular military forces ? In that case, your ideas seem
>right to me.

That's what I'd had in mind.  Very briefly, a VIP is going to have to be
protected by the local police until the military can show up a couple of
turns into the game to pull his ass out of the fire.

>Police against various kinds of insurgents / rioters ? In this case, I
>go for a rather higher rating for the police, both in terms of
>training/morale as well as equipment-wise. Modern day riot police are
>well trained and equipped, and the equipment you postulate seems on the
>tough side for a police force.

That's pretty much how I saw it.  Against folks in full military gear,
the proper training, they won't be all that impressive.  Against rioting
civilians, on the other hand, they'd be a lot more effective and
comparitively speaking.

John Crimmins

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