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Re: System defense ship designs

From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 00:18:34 EST
Subject: Re: System defense ship designs

On Sat, 26 Jan 2002 18:23:52 -0800 (PST) John Atkinson
<> writes:
>--- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:
>I'd also have a swarm of little Patrol Craft also.  I
>use a mass-14 boat that's modular--mix of Salvo Missle
>modules and Class 2 modules in any squadron.  Makes
>for nastiness.
>> PC
>> Beam 1 x 4
>In my humble opinion, that's a waste.	I'd strip them
>out and add a Beam 3 or PT.  Or at least, a pair of
>Beam 2s.

I agree but there are several reasons why they are there:

NAC believes they can 'support' PDS's in a pinch
NAC puts them on ships (remember who partially bank-rolled the NPC and
almost fully bankrolled the ship yard and whose designs were the basis
the early NPC designs)
NAC paid a larger percentage of cost of early designs to encourage the
building of the ship yard and exercised more control on design process.

NPC space navy (mostly own designs) thinks the Beam 1 is a "wasteful
compromise" between a Beam 2 and a PDS.  Said Navy likes Beams (size 2
and 3,) Needle Beams (very selectively,) Pulse torpedo, PDS, (limited
of) MTM,  'filler' Submunitions (no more then 1per ship)  and some
 Said Navy dislikes SM's (Budget restraints,) Screens (capital ships
Screen-1 in the old designs that make up the Heavies in the Line of
Battle - such as it is...) and 'exotic weaponry.'

NPC managed 'Space Coast Guard' - "SCG" - [real name still pending] gets
95% of maintenance costs from NPC, LLP and SAI; nothing from NEA; 'Fees'
from IJK and 'grants' from RRR.  Development of new designs is a much
debated but never implemented item in NPC budgets.  The LLP avoids the
subject vigorously and the SAI policy is plain - "You want it , you pay
for it."  The NEA parties all have one thing in common, lobbying
(unsuccessfully) for the NAC to turn control over to a 'joint
which they think they could politically come to control.  Most personnel
of the "SCG" are NPC, SAI (!) and LLR citizens in that order.

The SCG grew to 12 fairly quickly, maxx'ed out at 15 and the last three
(original small craft) scrapped were not replaced due to 'budget
constraints' and the ship yard being scheduled full of commercial and
military craft building.

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