Re: [FT] I'm in love with Pulse Torpedoes (and tactics question)
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2002 14:10:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FT] I'm in love with Pulse Torpedoes (and tactics question)
--- Roger Burton West <> wrote:
> ended up with John's NR designs: a St George
> carrier, a St Theodore the
> Recruit HKDN, two Cimbalongus/E DDEs and a
> Thessalonika CL (the latter
> being the only relatively conventional design of
> that group).
Nice choices, IMU. Pretty balanced squadron.
> Two things worked surprisingly well with that NR
> fleet, which is why I'm
> writing this message of congratulations to John.
Thank you! I'm pretty happy with these designs and
it's really good to have independant confirmation.
> (1) Having 8 pulse torpedoes pointed at you has a
> wonderful
> psychological effect. Having 8 pulse torpedoes fired
> at you can take out
> a Vandenburg/T, Ticoderoga or Tacoma/T in one volley
> (all of which
> happened). Small ships should not play with the big
> boys.
Yeah. It's designed to pop K'V cruisers.
> (2) Having the pair of Cimbalongus/Es in close
> formation with the St
> Theodore the Recruit made it practically
> invulnerable to SM and fighter
> attack.
That's what they are there for. I went for heavy PDS
defenses and lots of escort ships after some spats
with IFed missle boats flown by Laserlight.
> As a general tactics question, how do people usually
> use light escort
> ships?
> If escort ships are kept close to the things they're
> escorting, then
> they don't need such big drives; but I haven't seen
> designs for
> low-thrust small ships.
> So how do other people deploy them?
I generally use them independantly for fights not big
enough to bring a capital ship too. Anything with
ADFC sticks to the capital ships like glue. Cruisers
are big enough to stand in line of battle, but DDs and
FF/FFHs I generally deploy on the flanks and slightly
forward. I know they are going to die fairly quickly,
but they are a distractor. If the enemy is going to
be obliging enough to focus on those, then more power
to them. Gives my cruisers and capitals an
effectively longer life.
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