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Re: [semi-OT] black hawk down?

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 16:28:02 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [semi-OT] black hawk down?

--- Brian Burger <> wrote:

> PCI = Pre-Combat Inspection? PCC = ??

Pre Combat Checks.  PCCs are done by NCOs and include
checking _everything_.	PCIs are spotchecks done by
senior NCO/junior officers.
> There was a SAR Blackhawk - it was the 2nd bird to
> go down; there wasn't a
> backup beyond that, AFAIK. 

However, having an SAR Blackhawk is fine in the US at
a training exercise.  In the situation as presented,
you need to insert some security elements while you do
your Rescue stuff.
> That surprised me, too - no Bradleys, no M113s, no
> LAVs even. Just trucks
> and Hummers.
> Two reasons, I suspect - politics & not wanting to
> escalate things on the
> ground. 

Armor was requested.  It was denied by SecDef Les
Aspin on the orders of Pres Clinton for the reasons
listed.  Les Aspin resigned after this in apology--he
took the fall for his boss.


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