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Re: [OTT]Student Politics/ Future Shock

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 13:05:10 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [OTT]Student Politics/ Future Shock

--- Alan and Carmel Brain <>

> It ceased being amusing when the radicals started
> subsiding murder with our money.

Yeah.  Our Boston Irish community has been doing this
for years--and all of a sudden we're "finding out" (as
if I couldn't have told 'em) how many Islamic
"charities" (amply supported by Muslim Student
associations) are more into plastic explosives than
humanitarian supplies.

> That's OK John, we feel the same about the
> Republicans <g>
> And the Democrats. And Ralph Nader. And.... 

Hey, if it'll make you feel better, we can send you
Ralph.	You could send him into the outback to gain a
proper appreciation of wonders of nature.  And
hopefully a terminal case of heatstroke.

> "The symbol of the party in power is... an
> "OK. Weirdoes are everywhere. Does their opposition
> have a symbol?"
> "It does? What is it?"
> "...A Donkey. As in Ass. R-i-g-h-t....." 

What, like that's a major complaint.  At least our
entire nation is not represented by a hideously ugly
dog, like some people I could mention.
> But all anyone in the US can remember is his
> "original" spelling of "Potato(e)".

It's not freakin' original.  It's an alternate,
although one that has fallen out of common usage.

> The World and World Politics is a truly strange and
> marvellous place.
> In Jan 1982, what would be the likelihood that
> a) The UK would be about to fight a war with
> Argentina with the year.
> b) The USSR would dissolve within 10 years.
> c) The US would 20 years later be bombing the
> fertiliser out of Afghanistan.

You know, every now and then my father says that if,
in 1988 he had said in the office that within 5 years
the US would have cordial relations with an
independant Russian Federation, Germany would
peacefully reunite, and our major concern in the
Middle East would be Iraq (vice Iran), he'd loose his
security clearance and go in for psychiatric

About the only thing over the past 2 decades that's
been clearly coming for a while was the explosive
breakup of the former Yugoslavia.


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