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Cascadian IFV

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 02:26:03 -0500
Subject: Cascadian IFV

1) I know what John is talking about - the 
difference between an infantry taxi-driver (made 
famous in one of my WW2 games as the 
Hanomag Taxi) and the wannabee tanker 
driving something that isn't a tank and 
shouldn't be shooting it out with them. 

I don't mind putting an RFAC and a GMS on a 
vehicle. The RFAC for anti-infantry and light 
vehice (other APC) work. The GMS for bunker 
kills and for kills against other APCs. Only in 
desparation would I engage tanks with an APC. 
You don't have the armour, and probably 
shouldn't have the PDS (for RL reasons John 
alluded to). And the _last_ thing  you want to 
see is infantry baking in the can .... or not 
having a lift to where they need to be. 

2) My preferred IFV design, given the silliness 
of the DS2 construction system:
Size 3
Power CFE (cheap)
Carries 2xinfantry squad
Armour 3 (nuts, but the rules make it too 
PDS None
ECM Enhanced
RFAC/1 or GAC/1 (the later might require HMT 
for the power draw) (GAC == MDC)
GMS/H (should be bought per round too)
Smoke Grenades

This gives the minimal 2 acceptable infantry 
teams, it keeps the size class to 3 (we don't 
plan to build huge targets), it has a small 
enough size and ECM to be not entirely 
vulnerable, it isn't terribly expensive, it has 
good armour for its size, and it has good anti-
infantry FP (I too use GAC or RFAC 1 as having 
an anti-infantry option as an APSW) and has the 
GMS/H to deal with enemy APCs, hovering 
VTOLs, bunkers, or in extremis, tanks. 

But then, I'm not a DS2er much yet. Played my 
first game at ECC last year (HotSpot... here's a 
plug - if you're going to ECC, get in on this 
one...!), and played at Campcon and a couple 
of other times since. But I played a lot of 
Challenger II microarmour so I have some idea 
of the tanks vs. APCs vs. IFVs issue.....

Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of 
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site
"In God We Trust... on Cold Steel We Depend."

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