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Re: Reds Under the Bed

From: aebrain@a... (Alan E Brain)
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 11:29:20 +1100
Subject: Re: Reds Under the Bed

> > The Libs
> > The Labour
> > The Democrats
> > And the Greens
> They all sound like communists to me.  But then again,
> I can't tell the difference between Trotskyites and
> Stalinists either.

Oh I can. Came in handy during my university politics days,
when a bunch of us got fed up by the antics of the looney
and rather violent left who were running the local student
union (and running it into the ground).

I won't go into the details - just that Tony Abbot's 
ultra-conservative but conventional Liberal party machine
(the main opposition to them) was left out in the cold, and
the Tolkein Society staged a putsch. Ah, the days of
getting the Maoists to fight (sometimes literally) the 
Spartacists, while the	Tolkein-George Formby-Formalin-Gay Lib
secret alliance quietly gathered the numbers...

Truth is stranger even than SJ's Illuminati game when lots of
otherwise apathetic people get prodded into action.

And the professional demonstrators and rent-a-thug
political meeting disruptors hadn't got the Tolkein Society
on their scopes. Let alone the George Formby Appreciation 

I still can't believe that a nebbish like Tony Abbot could
possibly become a senior Govt Minister BTW. But there he is.

BTW all the above is NSTRH. (No S This Really Happened).
It might just give some ideas as to what could happen in
the Tuffleyverse, and make some of the more outre parts
more believable, as starnger things have actually happened.

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