Re: mercs
From: "Alan and Carmel Brain" <aebrain@a...>
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 20:08:53 +1100
Subject: Re: mercs
From: "John Atkinson" <>
> > How do we know? They trans-shipped them via Darwin,
> > and the
> > Australian Govt was Not Amused.
> Note to self: Do NOT transport combat aircraft via
> Australia while they have a liberal government.
Actually it was a Labour Government IIRC, but could be wrong
The Liberals are in power now.
Rules when gunrunning through Australia:
a) Don't consign them to destinations in our backyard.
b) Don't send equipment so huge (helos etc) that we can't ignore it.
c) Seven times Never ship unsafe ammunition!
d) Don't get caught.
Of these, the most important is c). The rest is forgiveable, excuseable
or plausibly deniable with time. But c) ruins your reputation, you
come across not as canny crooks, but as unprofessional and dangerous