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Re: UV detection mutants

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 10:17:48 -0500
Subject: Re: UV detection mutants

At 9:56 AM +0000 1/10/02, Roger Burton West wrote:
>On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 06:58:13PM +1100, Alan and Carmel Brain wrote:
> >Dunno about full-spectrum, but OZCAM is both IR and visual cammo - as
> >are our face creams.
>That'll disrupt the patterns, which is good. I'm thinking, though,
>guarding against observation by passive IR - if you can't stand in

You really mean passive Thermal. Remember, there is near Infra-red 
and far Infra-red. The thermal stuff is far and has a much longer 
wavelength than the near infra red does.

>of a body-heat background, you will be visibly radiating. There are
>things that can be done about this - thick uniforms, cooling units
>linked to heat-sinks - but they're short-term solutions at best. I
>suspect that only something like powered armour will be sufficiently
>sealed to get reliably to ambient temperature... though with sufficient
>tech many of these problems could be solved.

You still have to vent the heat somewhere. I'd think a spray of water 
that was just a bit cooler than ambient would help a good bit.

Ryan Gill	  |	   |
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