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Re: Drones (UAVs)

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 04:29:06 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Drones (UAVs)

--- wrote:

> The Canadian and German armies have been fielding
> the (I think CL214, but
> I'm not sure) UAV, produced by Canadair (and I think
> under licence in
> Germany - and the French use them too, IIRC) since
> at least the *late
> 1970's*...

Spiffy.  Learn something new every day.  So, how do
they organize their drone platoons/companies/whatever?
> don't think anyone else has done anything like
> sticking a Hellfire-type
> missile on them.

We don't go for half-measures.	What's the point of
arming them if they can't kill whatever they find?  :)


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