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Re: GZG Store

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 09:11:23 +0000
Subject: Re: GZG Store

>Here's one, is Jon's office a store aswell? Can you show up and buy
>there or do you have to mail order? I ask this because I'm off to the
>in mid Feb and I was thinking on stopping off and buying some stuff and
>take a look around if possible. Don't have to pay shipping (not that
>shipping costs much) nor duty (which does).

OK Jaime, here's the info you need:

1) We're not a retail store, just a manufacturing and mailorder unit on
industrial estate; however, we CAN have personal visitors by
and you'd be very welcome to come and see us! If you do, you can buy
while you're here, provided of course we've got it in stock!
We've got two conventions in Feb, one on the 10th and one on the 24th -
the few days immediately before each of these we maybe a bit busy!

2) Yes, you'll save the shipping and the duty, BUT you do have to pay
full UK prices including the VAT, even if you are a non-UK citizen and
intend to take the goods out of the country. Because we're actually
them to you within the UK, rather than us mailing them out of the
the rules say that we have to treat you the same as a UK customer and
charge you the same taxes. However, we CAN give you a VAT receipt which
the amount is worth worrying about) you can use to reclaim the VAT in
way when you leave the country (I'm not exactly sure how this works,
have to inquire with the Customs people).

If you're coming over, we'd be very happy to see you - please email me
off-list if you want any more details.

Jon (GZG)

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