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Re: Drones (UAVs)

From: johncrim@v...
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 20:56:01 EST
Subject: Re: Drones (UAVs)

> Well, I’ll find out in another hour or two.

Here 'tis.  "New Concepts for U.S. Combat Vehicle Systems", by W.J.
Whelan, copyright
1982. Prepared for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

Older than I thought, for one thing.....  It's a proposal for something
the author called
TEARS (Tank Effectiveness Augmentation by Remote Subsystems), which is
"based on
augmenting a current tank with detached, unmanned, highly automated
target aquistion and engagement subsystems."

These remote subsystems, called Demons because "in many cultures a demon
is a disembodied
human spirit lying in wait to snare an unsuspecting traveller -- exacrly
what our Demon
should do," is bigger than I had remembered, from 3000 to 6000 pounds,
and supposed to be
armed with 10 to 12 anti-armor missiles.

It's all speculative, of course, but there's a lot of interesting ideas
here.  And with
the resin "Gun Drones" that GZG makes (or is it made?), these could be
modelled in SGII
pretty easily.

John Crimmins

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