Re: Drones (UAVs)
From: johncrim@v...
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 18:20:15 EST
Subject: Re: Drones (UAVs)
> I ran across the drone rules. They looked neat. I thought about what I
> could use for a 25mm drone mini (idealy, a super small B-2 mini...
> a micro machine... is there one?). I also thought about building a
> team for NAC/NSL.
There's a Ral Partha "Shadowrun" pack that has a pair of 25mm drones.
One is a small
tracked thing, like a tiny tank. The other is a disk-shaped flyer. I
think that it was
the "Riggers" pack.
And, come to think of it, there are larger (but quite nice) drones
available from GW right
now. The plastic ones that come with the Tau sets; I'm reasonably
certain that you can
order them separately.
> So I was wondering: At what level are these things currently attached
> (Division, Brigade, Battalion, Company, Platoon)? How many teams (and
> how big are they) and how many drones? I think they make a neat
> to the game and the implementation of the drone rules suggests how you
> should be able to develop Combat UAV rules for drones that can deploy
> weapons and how you can shoot them down. (I sense another
> article coming on).
> So, anyone have any info, links, or speculations about the future
> deployment of drones (as it relates to SG/DS especially)?
I have this little booklet at home -- I'll look for it tonight -- that
is a serious
proposal to use small tracked RPVs for a variety of miltary
applications. The author
calls them "demons", if I remember correctly, and suggests at one point
that they could be
used as (among other things) tank killers. *How* they are supposed to
do this escapes me
at the moment.
John Crimmins
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